Struggling for DofE Skills Ideas? Try Touch Typing.
The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award (DofE) is a programme that encourages young people to develop skills, physical fitness, volunteering, and adventurous pursuits. Sometimes, finding DofE Skills Ideas can be tricky.
QWERTY Type is a DofE approved activity provider for Touch Typing. Touch Typing can be a valuable skill to include in your DofE programme for several reasons:
Practicality: In today’s digital world, typing is a fundamental skill. Learning to Touch Type ensures that participants can efficiently and accurately input information into computers, which is essential for academic studies, professional work, and many aspects of daily life.
Time Management: Touch Typing can significantly increase typing speed and accuracy. This efficiency can save time when completing assignments, writing reports, or engaging in other computer-based tasks.
Versatility: Touch Typing is applicable across various fields and activities. Whether participants are documenting their DofE experiences, completing school work, writing exams, applying to University or jobs, Touch Typing will prove to be an invaluable skill for life.
Long-Term Benefit: Touch typing is a skill that participants can continue to use and benefit from long after completing their DofE award. It can enhance their academic and professional endeavour’s, improve their ability to communicate effectively in the ever-increasing digital world, and facilitate lifelong learning.
Accessibility: Touch typing is a skill that can be learned and practiced by individuals of all abilities. It promotes inclusivity by enabling participants to communicate and engage with digital resources independently, regardless of any physical limitations they may have.
Are you struggling for DofE Skills Ideas? Why not visit our page dedicated to Touch Typing for DofE to view our courses here.