Touch Typing for Dyslexia: Does it help Dyslexic Students?


Does Touch Typing for Dyslexia help? At QWERTY Type we have come across many dyslexic students who often struggle with traditional methods of reading and writing. Teachers or colleagues may find it hard to read their writing and they become increasingly frustrated trying to complete the set tasks.

Dyslexia can sometimes be associated with challenges in fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. Touch Typing requires the development of these skills as students learn to type without looking at the keyboard. In that respect, Touch Typing for Dyslexia can contribute to improved muscle memory and coordination, which can contribute to improved muscle memory and coordination.

Touch Typing Courses For Children

When Touch Typing, each finger is responsible for specific keys, and the placement of keys remains consistent. This can be advantageous for dyslexic individuals who may struggle with letter and word reversals, as it provides a more organized and predictable system.

Once a dyslexic student becomes proficient in Touch Typing, they may experience an increase in writing speed. This can be particularly beneficial when taking notes in class or work or completing assignments, as it allows them to keep up with the pace of instruction or work more efficiently.

It’s important to note that while Touch Typing can offer valuable benefits, it is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Individual needs may vary and combining Touch Typing with other supportive strategies may be most effective for dyslexic students. Additionally, the support and understanding of educators, businesses and parents are crucial in creating an environment that accommodates and encourages the unique learning styles of dyslexic individuals.

Find out more about Touch Typing for Dyslexia here.

Qwerty Type - Touch Typing Courses for Schools - DofE Skills Courses

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